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NICODERM® Nicotine Patch

How To Use Patch Final ENG

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Discover how to use NICODERM® as part of a proven quit strategy such as REDUCE TO QUIT®, pre-cessation or combination therapy. View Smoking Cessation Strategies

Continuous control over 24 hours1

Discover how to use NICODERM® as part of a proven quit strategy such as: reduce to quit, pre-cessation or combination therapy.

  • Can be used as part of the REDUCE TO QUIT® program
  • Can be used to quit immediately or for pre-cessation treatment
  • Provides a 3-step program to reduce nicotine cravings1
  • Double the quit rate vs. placebo at 6 weeks1,2*
  • Discreet and transparent
  • Reduces withdrawal symptoms and cravings — night and day (including early morning cravings)
  • Provides patients with a steady, measured flow of nicotine over 24 hours
  • Water won’t harm the NICODERM® patch while being worn3

* In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 513 smokers with a smoking history of at least 1 pack a day were randomized to receive NICODERM® 21 mg/day, 14 mg/day, 7 mg/day or placebo. Patients received smoking cessation counselling during the 6-week course of the trial.

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